Theban Tombs

1978 ‘Rapport fra en gravplads’ (Sfinx 1, fasc. 5, pp. 143-47). 

1978 ‘Amun `  sfyt in a Ramessid tomb at Thebes’ (Göttinger Miszellen 29, pp. 85-88). 

1978  ‘The provenance of Louvre D 60′ (Göttinger Miszellen 29, pp. 79-84). 

1982 ‘The provenance of a wall-painting in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek, Copenhagen’ (Göttinger Miszellen 58 (1982), pp. 49-51). 

1984 ‘A `lost’ Theban tomb re-allocated’ (Göttinger Miszellen 71 (1984), pp. 37-45). 

1985a ‘Kornskriveren Wensu’s grav i Theben’ (Carlsbergfondet, Frederiks-borgmuseet, Ny Carlsbergfondet Årsskrift 1985, pp. 39-45). 

1985b ‘The beginning of the festival calender in the tomb of Neferhotep (No. 50) at Thebes’ (Mélanges Dr. Gamal Moukhtar, Cairo, pp. 105-8). 

1986 The tomb of Nakht, the gardener (No. 161) at Thebes as copied by Robert Hay of Linplum’ (Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 72, pp. 55-78). 

1987 ‘On the recent publications of two Theban tombs’ (Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 77, pp. 158-63). 

1987 City of the Dead: Thebes in Egypt. London and Chicago (8°, 149pp, 102 ills.); Tokyo; also published as The Tombs of the Nobles at Luxor, Cairo 1988. Extract of Chapter 6 published in Archaeology Today, July 1987, pp. 5-10. 

1988 Lost Tombs. A Study of Certain Eighteenth Dynasty Monuments in the Theban Necropolis. London/New York (8°, 258pp, 112 ills). 

1988 The Wall Decorations of Three Theban Tombs (Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 4). Copenhagen (4°, 65pp, 77 figs.). 

1989 review of R. Hari, La tombe thébaine du pere divin Neferhotep (TT 50) (Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 75, pp. 273-75). 

1991 in Assmann, J., Das Grab des Amenemope TT 41, Mainz am Rhein, pp. 276-78: ‘Tomb 41 in the records of the early travellers’. 

1993 ‘A report on work recently carried out at Dra` Abu el-Naga`’ (Annales du Service des Antiquités de l`Égypte 72, 1993, pp. 49-52. 

1995 ‘På sporet af en forsvunden grav i Theben’ (Papyrus 1995/2, pp. 3-8). 

1997 ‘Gæstebud i nyt lys’ (Papyrus 1997/1, pp. 3-10). 

1997 ‘Forsvundne grave fra ramessidetiden’ (Papyrus 1997/2, pp. 11-17). 

1997 in R. Tefnin (ed.), La peinture égyptienne ancienne. Un monde de signes à préserver (Monumenta Aegyptiaca 7), Bruxelles (pp. 29-36: ‘Reflections on the banquet scene’). 

2001 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Oxford ( ‘Funerary Cones). 

2001 in Arven fra Ægypten, Århus (vol. II, pp. 143-53: ‘Genopdagelsen af de thebanske grave’).  

2003 in Strudwick and J. H. Taylor (eds.)  The Theban Necropolis. Past, Present and Fuutre, London (pp. 42-45 ‘The so-called scenes of daily life in the private tombs of the Eighteenth  Dynasty: an overview’).

2011 Lost Ramessid and Post-Ramessid tombs in the Theban Necropolis (CNI Publications 33, in press).