
The story takes place around 4500 years ago in the reign of king Seneferu. He had walked through all the rooms of the palace without finding anything to amuse him, and he calls for his magician. Djadja-em-ankh suggests a boating trip with twenty nubile girls in a rowing boat. But then one girl drops her hair ornament, and the girls stop rowing. It take a magician’s skills to save the day.

The book is illustrated with drawings by the author. One side of the fold-out book contains the story, whereas the verso has factual information about ancient Egypt.

How Djadja-em-ankh saved the day
16 pp (leporello), ills.
USA edition (also scroll):
Thomas E. Crowell Company 1981

Danish edition:
Troldmanden Djadja-em-ankh
Gyldendal 1981

Swedish edition:
Trollkarlen Djadja-em-ankh
Tidens Förlag 1981

Norwegian edition:
Da trollmannen reddet kongen fra å kjede sig
Tiden Norsk Forlag 1981

Finnish edition:
Kuinka Dada-em-anh pelasti kuninkaan päivän
Gummerus 1981

Dutch edition (scroll):
Djadja-em-ankh redde de dag
Ploegsma 1981